Tuesday, November 19, 2013

one week, folks.

So here's a few things:

+ In ONE WEEK, I will wake up in Colorado, in my own room, in my wonderful queen bed. Did I mention in my own room? Because I'm really excited about that part. I may spend the first 10 minutes of being home just sitting in my room, doing absolutely nothing.

+ Next week will be the first time I've been home since I came to college.

+ I will get to eat food that my mom cooks. ummm... kind of ecstatic about that part.

+ I completely plan on cooking food. without having to rent the dishes. AND the oven will work. yes, yes indeed.

+ I'm going to do my homework at my very own real desk in my room.

+ I'll get to catch up with Kelly, Kelsey, Sam, and Katie. wonderful? Yes.

+ I'll have a coffee trader hot chocolate. {I've been wanting one for like a month now.}

+ I'm going to walk to the bathroom without flip flops on AND I won't have to take a room key everywhere I go.

+ I'm going to go to the theater and talk to all those wonderful people that I miss!

+ I'm going to look at the stars. Every. Single. Night.

+ I'm going to get to spend the week with my family eating tons of food. what more can I ask for?!

In one week, I get to go home. And I can't even tell you how exciting that is for me. It's a good thing that this week already seems to be flying by, because I cannot wait to be home!

Erica Michelle

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