Saturday, June 30, 2012

The past few weeks...

so... I know, I haven't really used this new blog... but that's changing.
so here's what's happened in the last few weeks(:

starting with Ridgeway(:

Then we went to my cousin's wedding(: 
(sorry, I don't have pictures of that)

Then we spent a few days at our cabin...
The canyon by Taos NM

Evan and Tiffany!

This is Evan's smile (:

The Cabin(: I love this place so much, even if it is tiny and cramped and old, it's beautiful

The river by the cabin! I was too lazy to roll down the car window
Then I hung out with Rachael (: such a beautiful girl! We just drove around then went to the park and looked at stars
She's gorgeous, although, this picture is a bit weird haha
Then I went to girls camp...
background info for camp:
-before this year, i never slept in a cabin
-no electricity, running water (nearby), showers, cell phones, etc
-i was a sixth year (my last year)
-i was a second-year ycl (youth camp leader- this year i taught the classes)
-i decided to only take 2 outfits... one to sleep in, one for the day, and yes, my day outfit were overalls(:
-this year i honestly didn't care how dirty i got, and it was really really much more fun because of it...
-we go to a place called "Ragged Mountain"
-i love girls camp!

our campsite

our flag!!! (that later got stolen)

my fire safety class... well, we had a fire ban, why not make the fire out of candy?

The shirt I won!! (it says LDS)

Snipe hunting baby!!!!-The sixth years were the snipes ssshhhhhh

my pj's (:
we got toilet papered

my outfit on the last day

so i was a bit dirty...

messing with hallie's hair... hahahaha

aawwwhhh, the first years are so sweet(:

me, taylor, and katie pulled a literal all nighter!! (sam fell asleep) I woke up on thursday at 6:45 a.m., then we spent all night fthursday pranking- we freakin rocked at it!- then i didn't sleep till friday afternoon when i crashed the second i got out of the shower and sat on the couch.

don't ask. we were tired.

awh, well, the first years tried pranking us at 4 a.m. friday thinking we were asleep... silly girls(: they clearly weren't as  successful as the girls that tp'ed inside out cabin, don't worry, we made them clean it all up(: what a wonderful sticky mess!

 That video was one of our many AWESOME roll calls!!!

other things about camp:
-it was,- next to trek the summer of my 14th birthday,- the most spiritual testimony meeting i've ever been in.
-my heart breaks that i may never go back to girls camp and ragged mountain again. i cried as we were packing up.
-i have gained such a great friendship with the other sixth year girls, they truly are beautiful daughters of god.
-i enjoyed every second of it!

And that's about it! I'm headed to Florida for FCCLA nationals in seven days!!
on other news, my daddy bought me a gorgeous gold amethyst ring!!

also, i got my homecoming dress!!

my parents are on a cruise in Alaska, and they don't get back till i'm in Florida!!

That's honestly about it!
Erica Michelle

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